DAN participates in the 15th Abu Dhabi Art

22 November 2023

Captura de Tela 2023-11-22 às 15.49.51

From November 22 to 26, the 15th Abu Dhabi Art will bring together 92 local and international galleries, and for the first time in the history of the fair, the United Arab Emirates will host institutions from South America. In its unprecedented participation, DAN Galeria will present a selection of contemporaries composed of Lygia Clark, Jesus Soto, Denise Milan, Franz Weissmann and Elizabeth


One of the most important names in contemporary art, Lygia Clark is also recognized as one of the most important artists between the transition from modern to contemporary in Brazil. His work is mentioned whenever it comes to the breaking of paradigms. He began his career in painting and gradually replaced it with three-dimensional objects, with sensory experiences, creating interactive works


The curatorship includes artists representing various techniques, such as the Venezuelan Jesús Soto, considered one of the pioneers of kinetic art and particularly famous for his “penetrable” sculptures in which people can walk and interact. Soto’s research on topics such as mobility, vibration, and dynamics will be at the DAN Galeria booth with works such as “Noir” and “Various Violets”.

Brazilian art is represented in different and striking dimensions. Denise Milan, a pioneer of the Public Art movement in Brazil, uses stone as a creative axis, performing works in the areas of public art, urban performance, sculpture, performing arts, opera, poetry, printing, video art, multimedia art. The “Quartz Codes” series will be on display at the Abu Dhabi Art fair


One of the main Brazilian references in sculpture, Franz Weissmann works on the composition of massive figures, starting to recreate them in abstract language, as in the series “Neoconcrete Column”. Weissmann was influenced by the sculptural works of Rodin, Brancusi, and Henry Moore. He participated, with the painter Alberto da Veiga Guignard, in the establishment of the first modern art school in the city of Belo Horizonte, the Municipal School of Fine


DAN Galeria’s selection includes diverse visual cultures and popular techniques, such as the productions of Elizabeth Dorazio, an artist from Minas Gerais, who works between Brazil, the United Arab Emirates and Germany. With drawings, collages and installations, she investigates the mysteries of human relations with nature and the cosmos, which is the essence of her
