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DAN Galeria

R. Estados Unidos

Rua Estados Unidos, 1638
01427-002 São Paulo/ SP

DAN Galeria was founded in 1972, in São Paulo, by Gláucia and Peter Cohn. In the first years of activity, the gallery focused on modern Brazilian art, presenting works by important artists of the 1920 modernist movement, such as Di Cavalcanti, Antonio Gomide, Ismael Nery, Tarsila do Amaral, among others. Still in the first years of operation, artists such as Alfredo Volpi, Cícero Dias, Antonio Bandeira and Yolanda Mohalyi were incorporated into the group represented by the gallery, which, over the past decades, has also expanded into international production and contemporary art.

The contemporary art department was created in 1985 by Flávio Cohn, son of the founded couple. Subsequently, his brother Ulisses Cohn also joined the DAN board. Combining historical research and attunement with the international market, in the last twenty years the gallery has exhibited works by Lygia Clark, Lothar Charoux, Luiz Sacilotto, Gonçalo Ivo, Ascânio MMM, Macaparana, Sérgio Fingermann and international artists such as Sol LeWitt, Antoni Tapies, Jesus Soto , Cesar Paternosto, Eduardo Stupía, Adolfo Estrada, Knopp Ferro, Ian Davenport, Max Bill, Joseph Albers, in addition to the British Tony Cragg, Kenneth Martin and Mary Martin.

DAN Galeria has always had the purpose of highlighting artists and fundamental movements of Brazilian art from the period between 1920 and today. At the same time, it maintains a close relationship with international artists, since artistic movements historically intertwine and dialogue with each other without borders.

Exposing these interlacing, highlighting the invention of our artists and the possible dialogues with international production, is the motto of our work in national and international fairs, in gallery exhibitions, in support of institutional exhibitions and in the production of content, whether in the most 100 catalogs already published, whether using digital technologies.