Knopp Ferro - Desenhando além da gravidade



São Paulo, Brasil
04/04/2009 - 04/05/2009

We present for the first time in Brazil the work of artist Knopp Ferro, born in 1953, Cologne in Germany, but of Austrian nationality.

I saw his work for the first time in Basel, Switzerland, at the Thomas gallery in Munich in 2007 and immediately identified with his work.

There is a great aesthetic affinity between the work of Knopp Ferro and the works of some artists we represent, such as: Jesus Soto, Leon Ferrari, Mira Schendel and Antonio Bandeira or artists I admire such as Calder, Paul Klee, or Gego. This affinity and admiration for his work, which you can see in this catalogue, inspired me to invite him to exhibit his recent works at Dan Galeria.

In contemporary art, there are few artists whose works arouse in us the emotion and sensation of suspension and, consequently, of soul elevation.

Drawing is the materialization of an idea, thought translated into form with its own energy.

For Knopp Ferro, the line drawn in ink or scratched on paper is the genesis of the work materializing in three-dimensional space.

His sculptures, built in iron, defy gravity and lightly orbit in continuous motion.

Observing them, with rapture, I’m sure, is the invitation that Dan Galeria makes at this moment. We are pleased to invite you to flow in your works.

Flavio Cohn, April 2009